Day 1
Posted by Lindsay , Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:25 PM

This is my orange for the quarter
The end of spring break has brought the start of a new quarter. My first class of the quarter was concept development, at 8:00am. I got there on time, and our new professor, Jimmy Moss, was already there. He was very bright and energetic for it being so early. We had a discussion about being late, after a few people walked into class after it had started. We were given a notecard, and asked to write down what we thought we would learn in the class, and what concept development is all about. I thought that the class would be about further developing ideas and concepts so that they would be complete and developed final products. The class is about this, but it also goes into detail on the process and conception involved in it.
Jimmy then went on to explain that the class would use a lot of critical thinking, and experiential learning (learning by experience). I prefer experiential learning to most other kinds, because I learn more when I am actually doing something, rather than reading about it. He also talked about the development of the concept of the cell phone, and how it has progressed. It all started with the idea of communication, and was developed continually until it has become what it is today. It helped me understand the idea of concept development better.
About halfway through the class, we were given mandarin oranges to do an exercise on description and perception with. I described mine in detail, and got all of them except for the most basic detail; the size. I am not sure how I forgot that, but it seemed more important to me to get all of the other details than that one. Afterwards, we switched oranges, and I was given one to take home. I have to render five days a week. The new one I received definetly has more character than the other one, containing green instead of being all orange. I think that this class will definitely help me grow as an artist, as developing concepts for projects is one of the main parts in coming up with projects. The class will likely be a lot of work, but in the end, it will be worth it.
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