Today began a little bit differently than Monday. I got to school at 6:30, and was the first person in class. When everyone else started showing up, including Jimmy, we switched classrooms. He pointed out that the new classroom gave a new perspective on things, and changed up the daily routine. I personally do not think that it makes too much of a difference, when we still will learn the same things no matter what the setting is. We began the class by Rudy talking about child templates. I did not know about them, and had no clue what they are. I still am a little fuzzy on the whole idea of them. I did learn more about web servers, ip addresses, templates and CMS.
After a long discussion about these different terms, and there relation to the blogs we have all started, we began discussing the process of coming up with ideas and concepts. This involves methodology (methodology being the study or description of methods). Jimmy gave an example using Fed Ex, and how they use certain methods in the way they deliver parcels. If a person knows their methodology, they can fix their problems better. On a side note, a great point that was brought up is that design is when art meets industry. I have heard it before, and I think it is a wonderful description of design.
A class activity that we did today, was organizing ourselves by our first names alphabetically. It helped to demonstrate that when given a problem, there is a process, and a solution. We organized ourselves rather slowly, but we got it done. An activity that we did after this one, was the "what if" exercise. We had to make different "what if" statements, and it was enjoyable. The point of it was to show that innovation does not occur from the same daily ideas and tasks. People should dream big, and think positively about their ideas. One point that was brought up was that the entertainment industry is all about "what ifs."
After the "what ifs," we had a long discussion about time, after time travel was brought up. It was pointed out that time is a construction we agree upon. Time does not have to be linear, but time is a solution to a problem that humans had. We ended the class after showing a few different pictures, and having Jimmy explain to us the difference between thinking and actually seeing. In the first picture, of 3 people, I thought that there were actually 4 people. In reality, it was just the weird angle I was seeing it from, and part of the persons coat appeared to be another, shorter person. The other pictures portrayed different emotions, and they showed how artists get people to think different things by what they are showing. I agree that it is a useful skill to learn. All in all, it was a pretty interesting class.
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