Day 4
Posted by Lindsay , Thursday, April 7, 2011 3:49 PM
We started off the class by re-arranging all of the tables, so that we could all sit in the front of the class, and listening to a short speech given by another student about GAUGE, which is the student group at cal state for AIGA. He talked about all of the events, and we listened to all the benefits of joining AIGA. I have been to a GAUGE meeting before, and it was a good experience.
After the short speech, the class was mainly about mind maps. Mind maps help to visualize, structure and classify ideas. They encourage brainstorming by using a non-linear manner. One of the suggestions that was given was that time and space have to be allowed for quality thoughts to flow. We were given a powerpoint of different examples of mind maps. They were all very colorful, and included images. My favorites were one of a rabid carrot, and of an alien in a bed. We were all asked to take 30 minutes and create a mind map of a "what if." I chose mine to be "what if time travel existed." This is what it looked like at the end:

My mind-map
After we finished, we went around and looked at other peoples. My favorite was Jacqueline's, she did one of "what if I was a vampire." During this time, Jimmy had put up a few of the diagrams we had done as homework the night before, about our creative processes. They all seemed to have been thought out, and a few had been nicely designed. After we finished talking about mind maps, we watched a video about Scott McCloud. I would tell you more about him, but he is going to get a separate entry. Altogether, I enjoyed class today.
Interesting mind map. :) Time travel is something that I have thought about as well. You get to thinking, if you could travel in the future, then you can affect the present by guiding it away from whatever was to happen in the future. It gets crazy and complicated but its a good idea.