Day 9

Posted by Lindsay , Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:27 PM

Yesterdays class was mostly about games. Jimmy asked the question, what is design? And no one could give an answer. Tomorrows class is going to be Game day, and we are all supposed to bring in a game. It should be a pretty good class. We all listed games that we knew of, and then discussed a few of them, such as monopoly and risk. Monopoly is all about capitalism, and a few people didn't know what that was, so we had another talk explaining what that is. Capitalism is an economic system in which all of the means of production are privately owned and used for profit. After this, we went over our seven deadly sins project. A lot of people had duplicate images, so we could not use them. Altogether, it was an interesting day.

1 Response to "Day 9"

TheStarXVII Says:

It's kind of amazing to realize how much is out there that we feel like we understand, but when it comes down to explaining it to someone else, we might find we can't!

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