Day 3

Posted by Lindsay , Monday, April 4, 2011 10:47 PM

Class today was pretty good, in my opinion. Jimmy started off the class by talking to us about how everyone has different experiences, and different perspectives. I think that tied into the exercise we did later on in class, when we were given 15 minutes to organize all of our comics from best to worst. We came up with a voting system to get it over with quickly, and did not have much of a discussion about it. Not everyone was happy with how we voted. I agree that it would have been better to have a long discussion about it, but it would have taken much too long, trying to get everyone to agree. Everyone has there own opinions and perspectives on the comics, and what one person might really like, another person might hate. We never were given a criteria on what we were supposed to judge them by, but I think we should have based it equally on content and design, not just its design.

One of the things that we talked about in class that I really liked, was that we should find an aspect that helps us to enjoy our projects and find the passion to make our project great. Everyone gets artists or writers block at times, and it would be better to find a new perspective on it so that you can enjoy the project and come up with fresh ideas. Another thing we were told, was that we should always know our criteria on a project. This is important, because we cannot start on a project, or solve problems in it, without knowing where to start and what the limits are. Altogether, the class was good, and I learned new things from it.

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