Day 7

Posted by Lindsay , Tuesday, April 19, 2011 4:36 PM

Class yesterday started off with everyone arranging themselves by their birthdays instead of by last name like we did before. We got it done pretty quickly, and after that were put into groups of four. We each had to contribute two items that we had on us, and had to create a story with the objects. I had a Romanian and a Czech Republic coin that I contributed, and I liked how our story about a man that steals a purse came out. I liked having a group assignment like that.

After we all shared our stories, Jimmy started talking about the essential story elements, such as who, what, when, where, etc... He also talked about the expression of a story, such as in a movie, song, play, etc... and related it to how we all chose to tell our stories. Some groups used different ways of reading it, such as acting it out with the items (using visual aids and personification), having group members take turns reading and just having one person read. This discussion led into one about using visual communication to show a story, and about how a poster or flyer can tell a story using the graphics it has on it. One of the things that I got out of class today is that stories change while there being written, and that group storytelling helps because you have someone else to share ideas with.

2 Response to "Day 7"

Anonymous Says:

The storytelling assignment was pretty fun and I liked our story.

Guady Says:

I also enjoyed this exercise and thought your group did a really good job at coming up with a good story and telling it in an exciting way.

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